Sunday, August 23, 2009

Potty Training 102

Last night after I posted my blog, Amelia must have forgot all she learned because she had four accidents in a row. At least she made it to the bathroom before she covered the floor. Today I had to constantly remind her and she still had one accident. I don't think we are back to square one, but I feel like it. The stickers are no longer an incentive for her. Any suggestions.......

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Potty Training 101

The last couple of weeks have been very busy and stressful in the Gaiser home. We started offically potty training Amelia on the 9th. We finally had a week that we were not going to be out of town and I could focus on real potty training. We had tried pullups in the past, but she treated them just like a diaper. We instead went straight to underware. The first day she got two stickers for remembering by herself to go to the bathroom. By the fourth day, I thought we were home free. She only had one accident that day. Then came days 5 and 6 when I think she completely forgot everything. I think she only made it to the bathroom three times each day. I felt like I was doing something wrong. We pushed on though and in the last four days she has only had one accident and that is because she fell asleep in the car and I didn't have a diaper on her. It is very nice to only be changing one set of diapers a day not to mention the money we will save. Here is a picture of Amelia getting her first sticker for remembering to go to the potty all by herself.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Micah, Micah, Micah

This past Sunday, we were running a little late for church so when I got to the nursery with Micah, it was already full with workers and little kids. The workers were excited when I came in because all the other kids were 18 months to 2 years. One lady said, "oh yeah a baby." I told them sorry, but Micah does not consider himself a baby. When I came back to pick him up after church the same lady said "your right, he is not a baby. Did you know he is crawling across the room and he used my fingers to pull himself up." I wanted to brag on my little man and say yes he has been crawling for over a month now and he pulls himself up to stand all by himself on a regular basis and he has even started taking a few steps while holding on to his playpen, but I just smiled and said, "yes, I know." Bragging is reserved for my blog anyway...... These pictures were taken on August 4th when he just started to stand up.