Friday, January 2, 2009

Coffee Anyone?

This is probably our favorite picture of Amelia from 2008. For a very short amount of time, Matt had to have his coffee maker set up on the floor because we do not have counters in our kitchen and this was one of the few places with an updated outlet. We now have a table set up in our empty kitchen. This is one of the reasons.
Since Amelia was tiny, Matt has had her help him make coffee. We used to have a coffee grinder which required only the push of a button to grind the coffee instead of holding down the button. Amelia had it mastered. Now, she helps her daddy hold down the grinder button and pour the water and change the filter, ect.
On this particular day, Matt was alone with her for about 45 minutes. The desk he was sitting at has our computer on it and it sticks out in the middle of our dining room/office. He was sitting facing her, but couldn't see her over the desk. All of the sudden from the other side of the desk comes a little hand which reaches out and grabs the box of clean coffee filters. He finished the email he was typing and stood up. This picture was the scene he saw.
Amelia had dumped out the old coffee filter on the floor and put a new clean one in the basket. She had also heaped a couple handfuls of old grounds into where the water is supposed to be dumped. She had taken the Brita water pitcher and poured water up and down the hallway.
I am so glad that Matt does not overreact and he was able to be calm about his coffee maker and take a picture with his phone. This picture now serves as the wallpaper on our computer.


Blogger Mary Thorson said...

I'll take a cup!

January 6, 2009 at 4:12 PM  

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