Monday, July 20, 2009

Little Wiggles

Micah has reached the 6 month milestone. He is almost 17 pounds and 27 inches. Last Sunday he officially crawled. He has been getting around just fine since he was 4 months old, but now he has learned how to move on all fours. He does a lot of rocking on his hands and knees and spinning in circles, but he has moved forward a few times. I say one more week with good floor time and he will be unstoppable. He has earned the nickname Little Wiggles because he cannot sit still. Even when he is not trying to squirm out of my arms, his legs are still kicking. He is exhausting to hold. Changing his diaper is an absolute wrestling match which he wins more often then not. I am trying to master putting a diaper on him while he is on his belly. He still wakes up every 3 hours or so at night. We started him on solid food since every told me that would help him sleep through the night. So such luck so far. My mom looked at me today and said, "you need 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep." I tried to remember the last time I slept for 8 hours straight. I know it hasn't happened since Amelia was born because she didn't sleep through the night until after Micah was born. Oh well, I guess I can dream. All that aside though, Micah is an absolute ray of sunshine. He is always smiling. He even smiles when he cries. He has the most contagious laugh. He gets so excited when someone new comes in the room especially when that someone is Mommy, Daddy, or Amelia. We are so blessed.


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